Daniel Hausmann
Housl's retro 1980' Game&Watch Handhelds
Kohlenstr. 2
04107 Leipzig, Germany


contact via the contact form


+49 1520 8804121


houslscollection (at) googlemail.com


All gallery-pictures on this site are of my personal collection. Photos of handheld games i do not own, may have been obtained from other websites (e.g. auction-sites).

All photographs are presented for informational and research purposes only. If you see an image on the Housl's retro 1980's Game&Watch Handhelds site that you took, and you either don't want it here, please let me know, I will comply immediately.


Housl's retro 1980's Game&Watch Handhelds webpage (www.bandai-game-digital.com) is not affiliated with or endorsed by Bandai America Inc., Bandai Electronics, Namco Bandai or Nintendo.


technical care: RMDsign

If you like my website and you want to support me, please help me with a donation to keep this site up. Thank you!


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